Friday, May 22, 2009

A brilliant TV series

Make your child brilliant.

One of the inspirations for this blog was a TVO series called Make your child brilliant, which I saw last year. It's airing again on TVO starting on Sunday, May 24, at 8 p.m.

It's a documentary featuring a woman in the UK, Bernadette Tynan, who selects "average" kids from a number of schools, and helps them develop their potential. Not just that, but she helps them achieve some really big things.

She studies the children to find out what their strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes are. She helps them value their own gifts. She works with the parents to help them foster the child's gifts, and she conducts simple brain-training exercises with the child.

It's these brain-training exercises that are so fascinating. They're so simple we can all do them at home. I encourage every parent to watch Make your child brilliant. At the very least it's an interesting documentary. At best, it could help you... well... make your child brilliant.

There's a companion book for the series, which I've just purchased. I'll be doing some posting based on my reading. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, what fond memories I have of TVO's shows for children. It's good to hear they're still putting out great shows!
If you want a flashback to the 1970s, here's a site I used to trigger a lot of memories:
(Scroll down the page for links to the shows.)

Thanks again for all the great work and information!